
JPDU Spring Tournament 2013


今回は427()28()に開催されましたJPDU Spring Tournament 2013の報告記事となります。


今大会はAsian Styleというディベート形式であり、1チーム3人で戦います。また試合の議題もテーマに沿った3つから両チームが選んで決めるのも特徴です。






 Hit-U A (一橋大学)

 (Go Shimizu, Noritaka Kon, Stevensen)



 UT A (東京大学)

 (Yuki Inoue, Thomas Mallon, Fumiko Hirasawa)


Semi Finalist

 UT α (東京大学)

 (Akira Kato, Kazushige Yoshimaru, Kowa Niikura)

 Keio A (慶應義塾大学)

 (Mitsushi Ono, Maoya Sato, Marina Sugimoto)




Rookie Champion

 Sophia B (上智大学)

 (Tsubasa Takaoka, Mao Kojima, Asuka Ando)


Rookie Finalist

 WAD B (早稲田大学)

 (Tatsumi Uchiyama, Kosuke Morikawa, Yosuke Mio)


Rookie Semi Finalist

 UT G (東京大学)

 (Tomoaki Tanaka, Ryoya Kurauchi, Byungsoo Song)

 Hit-U D (一橋大学)

 (Ryoto Hotta, Rie Yamada, Kengo Matsunaga)


 MainはHit-U A 、Rookieは Sophia Bの優勝となりました!



ChampionのHit-U A(左から清水さん、Stevensenさん、今さん)

決勝のUT A vs Hit-U Aの試合も大変白熱しており、ジャッジのvote(投票)もがっつり割れるほどでした。大会2日間を通して観戦されていたオーディエンスの方の数はとても多く、決勝が開かれていた大教室に入りきれないため教室の外から観戦されていた方々もいらっしゃいました。

今大会ではディベート歴2年未満のルーキー勢の活躍も目立っていましたね。ルーキーチームの参加数の29という数は全体の半分近くを占めており、しかもルーキーブレイクを超えて全体の上位16チームに食い込んだルーキーチーム(ICU GICU EHit-U B)や全体スピーカープライズに入賞した2年生も見られました。今週末には2年生最強決定戦であるジェミニカップ本戦も控えていますので、これからのルーキーの活躍がとても楽しみです。
Rookie ChampionのSophiaB(左から安藤さん、小嶋さん、高岡さん)


Round 1 Theme: Company

 THW require online gaming companies to compensate the therapy costs of players who become addicted to their online games.

 THBT in times of high unemployment, governments should remove all minimum standard regulations in the labor market.

 THBT appearance is a legitimate criteria for corporations to hire workers.


Round 2 Theme: Children

THBT child care leave should be admitted to workers who are undergoing infertility treatment.

 Assuming that the technology is perfected and is safe, THW allow parents to select and modify their children’s characteristicsin any way that they wish(personalities, looks, challenged etc).

 THW ban celebrity children.


Round 3 Theme: Crime

 THBT imprisonment should be mandatory for all white-collar crimes.

 THW prosecute suspected rapists without the formal complaint from the victim.

 THW charge all those caught driving under the influence of intoxicating substances (such as alcohol and drugs) with attempted murder.


Round4 Theme: Moral duty

 THW force elected politicians and their family members to only use public education and health services.

 THBT countries with a history of colonialism should open its borders to any migrant from their former colonies.

 THBT Israel should exempt from military duty its citizens who morally oppose the occupation of Palestine.


Octo Final Theme: Love

 THBT marriage should not be registered to the state or be legally binding, and remain as a private contract between individuals.

 THBT marriage status should be renewed periodically.

 THBT gay marriages should be left to the courts and not referenda.


Quarter Final Theme: Politics

 In a state where overwhelming majority of the citizen believe in a particular faith; THW not support secularism.

 THW prohibit politicians who have been elected once, from running for office ever again.

 THW prefer a two-party system to a multi-party system.


Semi Final Theme: Enduring Freedom

 With a condition that only consenting adults can enter; THW create a specific area remote from society, far enough not to cause external problems in which no forms of laws exist, where people are allowed to do anything and everything including serious criminal activity without fear of being prosecuted.

 THBT state should not allow the existence of associations whose sole purpose is to discriminate.

 THBT people should have the right to commit suicide.


Grand Final Law and Order

 THW abolish Impossibility Defense.

 THBT the Japanese Supreme Court should nullify the election based on the disparity between values of votes in different constituencies.

 THBT juries should only include individuals that are from the same socio-economic class as the defendant.


Rookie Quarter Final Theme: FUKUSHU

 THW legalize organ transplants for profit.(Momiji Cup 2012 R1)

 THW ban combat sports.(Umeko Cup 2012 R1)

THW raise tax on fatty food.(Wakaba Cup 2012 R1)


Rookie Semi Final Theme: Education

THW allow teachers unions the right to strike.

 THBT childhood obesity should be treated as child abuse.

 THW completely abolish teachers license.


Rookie Grand Final Theme: The others; Meowmeow! bowwow!cocka-a-doodle-doo!

 THW ban the use of animals for military purposes.

 THW prohibit methods of animal slaughter prescribed by religions that cause prolonged pain to the animal.

 THW prohibit force feeding and other cruel treatments of animals done to create delicious foods (such as foie gras).


Rookie Grand Finalの様子


Grand Finalの様子


